Old 1880s #5 Pelton Water Motor For Sale
For Information, email Jim
This wheel is located in Austrailia, Packing and Shipping Available.
Information about the wheel below.
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_DSC00049.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_DSC00050.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_DSC00051.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_DSC00052.jpg) |
Top Removed |
Beautiful Restoration |
New Bearings |
All New Hardware |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_DSC00053.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_DSC00055.jpg) |
![[Click to enlarge image]](tn_DSC00056.jpg) |
Side View |
Straight On |
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The shaft has been replaced. The bearings have been replaced.
There is a nozzle in the unit which is in as new
condition. A reducer needs to be fabricated say 4" to 2" and welded to the
existing stub at the flange with a vanstone flange to connect to the
penstock. Presumably an informed person would use 4" HDPE pipe for the
penstock as it can be butt fusion welded and of course dosen't rust. I also
suggest that a 60-80lb flywheel be installed on the off side shaft to
improve torque. An additional bearing pedestal should be considered to
support the shaft on the flywheel side to reduce bearing loads. The unit has
fully gasketed and assembled with 316 stainless steel fasteners